Matzo & Wine Program

For families struggling to meet their daily financial needs, the Passover holiday presents a formidable challenge. The costs of matzohs and wine or grape juice are astronomical, necessities during Pesach are exorbitant. To adequately depict the pre-Pesach mental stress of impoverished families is practically impossible. It takes an enormous toll on the parents and children, sometimes resulting in illness, trauma, or psychological disorders.

After all shoes have been allocated, Mesamche Lev utilizes the enormous shoe distribution tent as a Mazoh/Wine center. Four thousand cases of grape juice and thirty thousand pounds of komimiyus matzoh's, considered first rate in quality and kashrus stringency, fill the tent, ready for allocation. To protect the dignity of the needy, we offer them the option of paying a negligible fee (approximately a quarter of the regular price) for the matzohs.

See the Matzo Distribution in pictures

$50 for small family
$200 for large family
$450 for larger family
$1800 for several families
$5000 Mesamche Lev Partner
Other $