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In the Spirit of Reb Shaya’la zatzal

Reb Shayala of Kerestir, zatzal, was a great tzaddik and baal mofes, a miracle worker. Yet he is most famed for his hachnosas orchim and chessed. He took great joy in feeding the hungry, and had so many guests; he needed a second home to go to when his own house was full. On Motzei Shabbos, he would have chickens slaughtered for a Melave Malka repast, where he would serve a large crowd.

In time-honored Chassidic tradition, many people honor Reb Shayala on his yartzeit, by following in his footsteps and feeding people. Some serve tikkun in shul, others distribute food in other ways. Mesamche Lev chose to do as the tzaddik did, and distribute chicken.

Hundreds of donors sponsored cases of chicken, which were distributed on the yartzeit to the poor. Each recipient family received an entire case of chicken – enough to feed them for Shabbos and many days afterward.

Thank you to all our donors who brought joy to the hungry in memory of the great tzaddik. May the zechus of Reb Shayala, zatzal, bring you continued blessing.






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Grocery Program

USA Location
1364 53rd St,
Brooklyn, NY 11219

Phone: 718-506-1400
Fax: 718-838-3310
Israel Location
Hagai Street 21, Jerusalem, Israel

Tel# 02-509-1817
Fax# 07-232-66117