Shoe Distribution

Dear Mesamche Lev,
Please accept my warmest thanks for the new shoes for all of my children. I wouldn't be able to buy them myself, and I don't know what we would do without your help. I was especially worried about not being able to replace my daughter Hadassah's shoes. She is six years old, and her shoes were embarrassingly ragged and torn. She is so thrilled. I am sending you a note she wrote to you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you."

Replace a child's torn, pinching shoes.
Thousands of children in Israel wear torn, tight shoes every day - because their families can't afford to buy new ones. The implications are serious. A child without proper shoes is exposed to drenching rain, pebbles, and pain.

But that is not all.
A child without decent shoes suffers from shame and low self-esteem - and could be a target of bullying.

Mesamche Lev distributes shoes to 40,000 children a year - that's about 800 school buses full! Many of the children would not get new shoes anywhere else, because their parents can't afford to buy them.

Sponsor shoe coupons and replace a child's worn, tattered footgear with a top quality, up to date pair of shoes.
How much is 40,000?
40,000 children would fill:

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